Owner's Manual &
Installation Guide
41840 McAlby Court, Suite A, Murrieta, CA 92562
800.451.9343 . Email:
Replacement part numbers are indicated on the side of each filter cartridge. The table
below lists cartridge replacement part numbers as well as part numbers for the other
parts you may need to maintain your unit. To order replacements, please call 800-451-
9343 to be directed to an authorized Nimbus dealer.
This reverse osmosis system contains a replaceable treatment component, critical for
the effective reduction of total dissolved solids. Product water should be tested peri-
odically to verify that the system is performing properly. Please contact your Nimbus
dealer for testing and service.
This reverse osmosis system contains a replaceable component critical to the effiency
of the system. Replacement of the reverse osmosis component should be with one of
identical specifications, as defined by the manufacturer, to assure the same efficiency
and contaminant reduction performance.
Use of non-Sierra replacement parts will invalidate the warranty as set forth in Section
F of this Owner's Manual.
Part No.
Pre-Filter, Sediment/GAC Carbon
Pre-Filter, Sediment only
Post Filter, GAC
Membrane Filter
Premium Tank Assembly, 2-gallon
Standard Tank Assembly, 2-gallon
Faucet, Airgap
Tank Shut-Off Vavle
Automatic Shut-Off Valve
Cartridge Retainer Clip
Drain Saddle Assembly
Feed valve
Performance Sheet
System Performance
Feed Water Requirements
Daily production rate
42.8 L/d
Feed water(3)
Feed pressure
Feed temperature
Total dissolved solids
Potable water
(11.3 gpd)
275 kPa, (40psi) to 552kPa (80psi)
1°C (33°F) to 38°C (100°F)
2,000 mg/L maximum
1.0 mg/L max.
Efficiency Rating(1)
Recovery Rating (2)
(1)Efficiency rating means the percentage of the influent water to the system that is available to the user as reverse
osmosis treated water under operating conditions that approximate typical daily usage.
(2)Recovery rating means the percentage of the influent water to the membrane portion of the system that is
available to the user as reverse osmosis treated water when the system is operated without a storage tank or when
the storage tank is bypassed.
(3)Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before
or after the system. Systems certified for cyst reduction may be used on disinfected water that may contain filter-
able cysts. The feed water must also be free of potential membrane foulants such as Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide and
System Tested and Certified by NSF International against NSF/ANSI Standard 58 for the
reduction of the contaminants listed below. The concentration of the indicated substances in
water entering the system was reduced to a concentration less than or equal to the permis-
sible limit for water leaving the system, as specified in NSF/ANSI 58.
This system has been tested for the treatment of water containing pentavalent arsenic (also
known as As(V), As(+5), or arsenate) at concentrations of 0.30 mg/L or less. This system
reduces pentavalent arsenic, but may not remove other forms of arsenic. This system is to be
used on water supplies containing a detectable free chlorine residual at the system inlet or on
water supplies that have been demonstrated to contain only pentavalent arsenic. Treatment
with chloramine (combined chlorine) is not sufficient to ensure complete conversion of trivalent
arsenic to pentavalent arsenic.Please see the Arsenic Facts section of the Performance Data
sheet for further information.
Testing was performed under standard laboratory conditions, actual performance may vary.
Permissible Product
Arsenic (pentavalent) 0.30+10%
Chromium (trivalent) 0.3+10%
5 pCi/L
Radium 226/228
Total Dissolved
11+10% NTU
80,000 3-4u/mL
7 # /mL
Arsenic Facts
Arsenic (abbreviated AS) is a naturally occurring contaminate found in many
ground waters. Arsenic is water that has no color, taste or oder. It must be
measured by a lab test. Public water utilities must have their water tested
for arsenic. You can get the results from your own water utility. If you have
your own well, you can have the water tested. The local health department
or the state environmental health agency can provide a list of certified labs.
The cost is typically $15 to $30. Information about arsenic in water can be
found on the internet at the US Environmental Protection Agency website:
There are two forms of arsenic: pentavalent arsenic (also called As(V),
As(+5), and arsenate) and trivalent arsenic (also called As(III), As(+3), and
arsenite). In well water, arsenic may be pentavalent, trivalent, or a combina-
tion of both. Special sampling procedures are needed for a lab to determine
what type and how much of each type of arsenic is in the water. Check with
the labs in your area to see if they can provide this type of service.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) water treatment systems do not remove trivalent ar-
senic from water very well. RO systems are very effective at removing pen-
tavalent arsenic. A free chlorine residual will rapidly convert trivalent arsenic
to pentavalent arsenic. Other water treatment chemicals such as ozone and
potassium permanganate will also change trivalent arsenic to pentavalent
arsenic. A combined chlorine residual (also called chloramine) may not con-
vert all the trivalent arsenic. If you get your water from a public water utility,
contact the utility to find out if free chlorine or combined chlorine is used in
the water system.
The Nimbus Sierra system is designed to remove pentavalent arsenic. It will
not convert trivalent arsenic to pentavalent arsenic. The system was tested
in a lab. Under those conditions, the system reduced 0.30 mg/L (ppm) pen-
tavalent arsenic to 0.010 mg/L (ppm) (the USEPA standard for drinking water)
or less. The performance of the system may be different at your installation.
Have the treated water tested for arsenic to check if the system is working
The RO component of the Nimbus Sierra system must be replaced yearly to
ensure the system will continue to remove pentavalent arsenic. The compo-
nent identification and location where you can purchase this component are
listed in this installation manual.
The Sierra Limited Warranty extends to the original purchaser of the system. This warranty covers all parts and factory labor needed
to repair any Manufacturer-supplied item that proves to be defective in material, workmanship or factory preparation. The above-
mentioned warranty applies for the first full calender year from date of purchase. These defective items are subject to the following
exclusions: membranes, filters, O-rings, and all other parts or components that require regular replacement as a result of ordinary usage.
Disclaimers This Warranty applies only if the system is installed and used in compliance with the instructions enclosed with the system.
The Warranty does not cover any non-standard Sierra parts. This Warranty does not cover the costs of repairs or adjustments to the unit
that may be needed because of the use of improper parts, equipment or materials. This Warranty does not cover repairs required due
to use of non-standard Sierra parts, unauthorized alterations of the unit, or failure of a unit caused by such alterations or by unauthorized
The Warranty does not cover malfunctions of the unit due to tampering, misuse, alteration, lack of regular maintenance, misapplication,
fouling due to hydrogen sulfide or iron, scaling from excessive hardness, or excessive membrane hydrolysis due to chlorine levels in
excess of 1.0 mg/L. In addition, damage to the unit due to fire, accident, negligence, act of God, or events beyond the control of the
Manufacturer are not covered by this warranty.
IncidentalandConsequentialDamages TheManufacturerdoesnotassumeresponsibilityforpaymentofincidentalandconsequential
damages as a result of the failure of this unit to comply with express or implied warranties, such as lost time, inconvenience, damage to
personalproperty,lossofrevenue,commerciallosses,postage,travel,telephoneexpenditures,orotherlossesofthisnature. Somestates
do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion may not apply to you.
Owner’sWarrantyResponsibilities UndertheprovisionsoftheWarranty,theownerisexpectedtoschedulemaintenance,asdescribed
in this Manual. Neglect, improper maintenance, abuse, or unapproved modifications may invalidate the Warranty. Should your unit
develop a defect or otherwise fail to perform in accordance with this warranty, you should contact the dealer from whom the product
was originally purchased.
Implied Warranties The implied at-law warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall terminate on the date one
year after the date of purchase. Note: some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations
may not apply to you.
Other Rights This Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Immediately after installation, please fill out the form below and retain for future reference.
Serial No:
Install Date:
Sold by:
Phone Number:
The following instructions outline a typical water treatment system installation. Consult local
plumbing codes and building regulations as they may pose different or additional requirements for
the installation. The installer is responsible for ensuring that the installation is in compliance with all
This system has been designed for installation by a licensed professional such as a contractor or
plumber. Proper completion of this installation will require basic familiarity with standard sink
plumbingandproperuseofcommonhandandpowertools. Improperlyinstalledsystemscouldresult
in water damage due to leaks or flooding.
disinfection before or after the system.
A. Product water storage tank
B. Tank shut-off valve
C. Tank tubing (3/8" white)
D. Air-gap faucet
I. Product water tubing (3/8" blue)
J. Reverse osmosis membrane filter
K. Carbon post-filter
L. Pre-filter
E. Drain connection assembly
F. Drain tubing (3/8" white)
G. Quick-connect fitting
H. Drain tubing (1/4" yellow)
M. Automatic shut-off valve
N. Inlet fitting with elbow
O. Feed water tubing (1/4" green)
P. Feed water shut-off
Sierra Manifold Unit
A. Pre-filter
B. Carbon post-filter
C. Reverse osmosis membrane filter
D. Cartridge Retainer clips (3)
E. Drain saddle unit
F. Feed water connection assembly
(shown with shut-off valve attached)
Parts Kit (not shown)
1/4" plastic tubing insert
1/4" plastic ferrule
Date of Installation labels (3)
Feed valve warning tag
Feed shut-off warning label
Self tapping mounting screws (2)
Flat rubber washer
Gray rubber cone
Faucet Kit (not shown)
6' white 3/8" tubing
4' blue 3/8" tubing
4' green 1/4" tubing
4' yellow 1/4" tubing
The feed water connection assembly supplied with the Sierra system includes components which represent the most
common under-sink plumbing connections currently in use within the United States. If these components do not
match the type of connections installed at your location, contact a local hardware or plumbing supplier to obtain the
correct fittings.
1. Locate and turn off the angle stop valve on the cold water line feeding the sink
where the Sierra unit is to be installed. This valve will usually be located under the
sink on the pipe coming out of the wall.
Hint: Be sure to make this connection on the COLD water feed, not the HOT
water feed. If you are not sure which line is the cold water line, open the hot
water tap on the sink until hot water flows from the faucet. The hot water line
under the sink can then be identified by touch.
2. When the angle stop valve is closed, relieve pressure in the line
by opening the cold water tap on the sink.
3. It may be possible to install the feed adapter fitting at either the
angle stop valve or at the faucet inlet connector depending on the size
and type of fittings at your location. The angle stop valve is preferable
because of its easier accessibility. Both options are given in Fig 1.
Option A - To install the feed adapter at the faucet
connector disconnect the cold water feed line where
it connects to the faucet inlet connector. This will
usually require an open end wrench, pliers, or long
reach faucet wrench. Proceed to step 4.
Std. Feed
Option B - To install the feed adapter at the angle stop
valve, disconnect the feed line at the angle stop
valve. This will usually require a wrench or pliers.
With this end of the water line free, proceed to step
4. Take the 1/4" feed connector valve from the parts kit and install it into the brass feed connector
adapter. Use a crescent wrench or open-end wrench to tighten the valve into the adapter (Option
B shown in Fig. 1). If the feed adapter is to be installed at the faucet inlet connector (Option A
shown in Fig. 1) it may be necessary to install the feed connector valve after step 5 due to limited
5. Using the flat and cone washers as necessary, install the feed adapter into the faucet inlet
connector or angle stop valve as chosen above. Then reconnect the cold water feed line to the
open end of the feed adapter. Tighten all con-
6. Using the green 1/4" tubing, install the com-
pression nut, plastic ferrule, and plastic tube
insert. Secure the tubing into the feed connec-
tor valve. Tighten the tubing retaining nut se-
curely. See Fig.2.
Fig. 2
7. Obtain the small feed valve warning tag from the parts bag and attach it by its wire ties to the
feed valve.
Note: The drain saddle assembly must be installed before
the 'P' trap. Do not install the drain saddle assembly be-
tween the 'P' trap and the wall.
1. Position drain saddle assembly (Fig. 3) on drain pipe under
sink between the P trap and the sink connection.
2. Orient the drain saddle so that the connector opening
points in the general direction of the planned location for
the R.O. dispensing faucet.
3. Screw the connector nut onto the drain saddle threaded
connector loosely (Fig. 4). Using the connector opening in
the side of the drain saddle as a guide, drill a 3/8" hole
through the wall of the drain pipe.
4. Remove drain saddle assembly. Place the adhesive foam pad over the 3/8" hole in
the drain pipe. Replace the assembly onto the drain pipe, aligning the hole in the
drain with the hole in the drain assembly.
5. Tighten the saddle bolts evenly on both sides until the saddle grips the pipe snugly - do not
overtighten. (Fig.4)
In addition to common hand tools, the following tools are required for drilling through the most
common sink materials:
1/4” masonry drill bit
1¼" hole saw
7/8" chassis punch
1¼" porcelain cutter
Hole saw adapter
Center punch
Hint: Special care should be taken when drilling the faucet hole. A clean hole can
be cut in a short period of time, but any attempt to rush the process will result in chips
andscratching. Onsomesinkstheremayberidgesontheundersideofthesink. You
must avoid these ridges or other obstructions to insure an adequate flat surface for
installation of the faucet nut and washer.
When performing installations that call for locating the faucet on the counter
instead of the sink, ensure that adequate space is available underneath to accom-
modate the faucet subassembly.
Formica or Wooden Counter
1. Drill a 1¼" hole with hole saw or flat (spade) wood bit.
2. Clean off sawdust.
Fig. 5
2. Clean off sawdust.
Enamel, Porcelain-Over-Steel, or Cast Iron Sink
1. With drill motor place 1/4" masonry drill bit at
selected location. Before starting rotation, firmly apply
downward pressure until a slight crunching sound is
heard. This will fracture a small area of the enamel/
porcelain and prevent the bit from “walking”.
2. Drill the 1/4" pilot hole.
3. With the pilot hole as a guide, use a 1¼" porcelain
cutter to cut through the porcelain/enamel only. Stop
the drill once the metal is exposed.
4. Once again using the pilot hole as a guide, use the
1¼" hole saw to cut through the metal. (The hole saw is slightly smaller than the
porcelain cutter so the teeth of the saw will not chip the enamel/porcelain).
5. Clean off the sink and wipe the area clean. Be sure all metal chips are removed as they can
stain porcelain very quickly.
Tile Sink or Counter
1. Follow procedures 1-3 under Enamel, Porcelain, Cast Iron Sink procedures.
2. With the gentle use of the center punch and hammer, break up the ceramic disk to the extent
necessary to remove it. Remove the ceramic disk.
3. Use the 1¼" hole saw or wood drill to continue the hole through the wooden support. Clear
away the debris.
Stainless Steel Sink
1. Use a center punch and hammer to mark the sink surface for drilling.
2. Drill a starter hole with a 1/8" high speed drill bit.
3. Enlarge the starter hole with a 7/16" high speed drill bit.
4. Make a 1¼" faucet hole with the chassis punch by placing the male cutter of the chassis punch
under the 7/16" pilot hole, insert driving bolt through female die and pilot hole into the male die.
Tighten driving bolt to cut the faucet hole.
5. Use a round file to clean up any rough edges. Clean up any filings, ensuring that none get
into the sink drain or disposal.
For easier installation, attach all tubing prior to mounting the faucet.
1. Insert polished faucet base (refer to figure H page 5) onto base of faucet.
2. Install the 1/4” yellow drain tubing onto the 1/4” barb fitting. This tube must be of sufficient
length to reach the yellow manifold drain connection.
3. Insert the white 3/8” tubing onto the larger 3/8”
barbed fitting, being sure you have enough tubing to
reach the drain saddle.
4. Slip the 1/4" and 3/8" tubing though opening in
polished faucet base (Item #1). Slide white plastic spacer
(Item #2) open-end-up onto the threaded faucet stem (Fig
Airgap to
system drain
(Connect 1/4"
yellow tubing.)
5. Thread the 3/8" washer (Item #3) and mounting lock
nut (Item #4) onto the threaded stem. (Fig 6)
Faucet to
Rubber seal
6. Thread faucet quick-connect adapter (Item #5) on to
threads of faucet stem. NOTE: This connection should be
hand-tightened only. Push one end of 3/8" blue tubing
into 3/8" connection.
3/8" white
Metal base plate
Product water
(Connect 1/4"
blue tubing)
7. Insert tubing and faucet assembly down through the
sink hole.
8. Position the faucet to the desired handle orientation.
Slip the slotted washer between the white plastic spacer
and the sink. Securely hand tighten the mounting nut.
Hint: The airgap tubing connection is
located under the faucet handle. By
orienting the air-gap from the underside
of the sink, your faucet handle should be
correctly oriented.
Fig. 6
9. Connect the white 3/8” tubing to the drain saddle assembly using the drain connector nut
supplied. This tubing should follow as direct a path as possible; long runs, looping or deep sags
will restrict normal brine flow to the drain. Save the unused portion of the tubing for the installa-
tion of the storage tank.
10. Apply a small amount of silicone-based lubricant to the O-rings located at the base of the
spout. Firmly insert spout assembly into the top hole of faucet body (approximately 1/4"). You
may swivel the faucet left or right.
Determine the most practical under-the-sink location for placement of the Sierra manifold unit
and the companion reservoir tank. Ensure that the specific location allows adequate access to the
manifold unit for cartridge replacement and to the tank for tank- valve operation.
1. Place the manifold and tank in the selected locations. If desired, the #6 self tapping screws
may be used to secure the manifold unit in position by means of the top rear and bottom lip
mounting holes.
2. Take the unused portion of the 3/8" white tubing and insert one end firmly into the 3/8" (larg-
est) connector on the top of the manifold unit.
3. Extend the 3/8" white tubing from the manifold unit to the tank valve. Leave enough slack in
the tubing to allow the unit to be removed from the installed location for servicing. Cut off the
excess and insert the 3/8" tube into the quick-connect tank valve fitting until it is fully engaged.
4. Extend the 1/4" yellow tubing from the faucet unit to the manifold. Leave enough slack in the
tubing to allow the unit to be removed from the installed location for servicing. Cut off the excess
and firmly insert the tubing into the corresponding yellow drain connection located on the mani-
5. Extend the 3/8" blue tubing from the faucet unit to the manifold. Leave enough slack in the
tubing to allow the unit to be removed from the installed location for servicing. Cut off the excess
and firmly insert the tubing into the corresponding blue product water connection located on the
6. Extend the green tubing from the feed connector valve to the manifold. Leave enough slack in
the tubing to allow the unit to be removed from the installed location for servicing. Cut off the
excess and firmly insert the tubing into the corresponding green feed connection located on the
7. Obtain the Shutoff Warning label and affix it to the manifold unit so that it is directly visible.
The Sierra system is now connected and ready for initial test and preparation.
TUBING HINTS: Use a sharp knife or tubing cutter to cut the
tubingsquarely, beingsuretoremoveallburrs. Theninsertthe
tubing firmly until it stops. To remove the tubing, push against
the collet while pulling on the tubing.
Fig 7
Fig 8
Fig 9
Fig 10
SystemActivation andInspection
1. Check all tubing connections to ensure they are firmly seated. CHECK TO SEE THAT THE
during long term, unattended operation of the system. Failure to keep the retaining clips in place
could result in accidental leaks and flooding.
2. Open the dispensing faucet at the sink. Close the tank shut-off valve.
3. Open the feed water valve to the system. Observe all tubing and connections for several
minutes to detect any leaks. In approximately 5 minutes, (assuming normal feed water pressure)
the dispensing faucet should begin dripping. Allow the faucet to run for up to 15 minutes, then
4. Place a pan or other temporary water basin near the drain 'P' trap. Loosen the connector nut
holding the 3/8" tube in the drain saddle connector. Pull the tube out of the connector and use the
pan to catch any water that may spill. Brine water should be flowing from the tube. Reconnect
the tube to the drain saddle and hand-tighten the connector nut.
5. Open the tank shut-off valve.
1. Before the system can be used for drinking water production it must be adequately flushed.
Each reservoir tank is dosed with a small amount of powdered sanitizer before shipment, typically
a chlorinating agent, in order to ensure tank internal cleanliness. Also, the carbon filter cartridge
will release a small amount of carbon fines during the first tankful of flow. This flushing procedure
will allow any sanitizer or carbon fines to pass from the system.
2. Initial tank filling will take approximately two and one half hours (based on average feed
pressure). When the tank is full, the water pressure will have risen to the point where the auto-
matic shut-off valve inside the manifold unit will stop the feed flow through the system. Actuation
of the automatic shut-off valve can be determined by either checking for a lack of brine flow to
the drain saddle, or by listening very closely near the dispensing faucet for absence of water flow
sound though the air gap. When the tank has filled for the first time, it should be left undisturbed
for at least 8 hours to ensure proper sanitization.
3. After 8 hours has elapsed, open the dispensing faucet fully and allow the product water to run
out to drain at maximum flow. The initial discharge will be dark with the bulk of the carbon
particle wash out. There may also be the scent of chlorinated water from the sanitizing agent.
When the flow has diminished to a fast drip or small stream, close the dispensing faucet.
4. Fill and flush the tank at least three times prior to use. If necessary, repeat until the chlorina-
tion scent has disappeared. It is important that the flush be done at maximum flow (e.g. the tank
must be full) to assist in rapid wash out. After this flushing procedure the system is ready for
normal use.
1. Sierraunitandtankarelocatedwheretheywillnotbesubjecttophysicalimpactsorroughcontact
by heavy objects.
2. Feed water pressure to the unit is no less than 40 psi and no greater than 80 PSI.
3. Ensuretheplasticretainerclipsarefullyengaged. Theslidelocksmustsnapintoplaceintheslots.
If the clip does not snap easily into place through the slots it means the cartridge is not fully inserted
into the connectors. Press top or bottom of cartridge to engage connectors until it snaps into place
4. All tubing connections, especially push-in quick connections, are fully inserted.
5. Tubingconnectedbetweenthefaucetandthedrainsaddlefitting(thefittingattachedtothesink
drain pipe) runs "downhill" to the drain. There should be no loops or places where water would not
flow out to the drain.
6. Feed and tank valves are open.
7. Withinonetotwohoursafterinitialapplicationofwaterpressure,checkagainforleaksespecially
at the tank, faucet tubing and connectors. These parts will not see full pressure until approximately
2 hours after the system is activated.
8. Flush three tankfuls of product water to drain. If a chlorine scent persists, repeat flushing
procedure in Section 8.
Refer to Section B in the Owner's Manual portion of this guide for a suggested replacement
1. Close the feed water shut-off valve.
2. Close the tank shut-off valve.
3. Open the R/O dispensing faucet.
4. Pull the manifold unit from the installed location.
5. Remove the retaining clip at the front of the unit. Pull the cartridge off the manifold evenly at
top and bottom. Dispose of used cartridge.
6. Install the new cartridge, rocking gently from side to side as necessary until the cartridge
tubes are properly engaged in the manifold connectors. Install the retaining clip, ensuring the
slide locks snap into place in the slots. If the clip does not snap easily into place through the slots
it means the cartridge is not fully inserted into the connectors. Press top or bottom of cartridge to
engage connectors until it snaps into place properly.
7. Turn on feed water shut-off valve.
8. Turn on tank shut-off valve. Observe system for any leaks, especially at newly replaced
9. Close dispensing faucet after water stops running.
10. If replaced cartridge was a post carbon or a membrane filter, the system should be flushed at
least once as described above under Section 9.
Tank sanitizing should be done every twelve months as part of the regular system maintenance
program through an authorized Sierra dealer. This procedure will take approximately 30 min-
utes. As a safety precaution, always wear protective eyegear, mix chemicals in a well-ventilated
area, and avoid breathing the fumes.
1. Measure 3¼ ounces Oxine Concentrate for each gallon of tank capacity. Pour into a plastic
2. Add 10 grams of Bio-Cide Activator Crystals. Let stand for five minutes to activate solution.
3. Pour activated solution into tank. Fill tank completely with potable water. Bleed air from
lines. Let stand for 10 minutes.
4. Drain tank and lines. Flush thoroughly using potable water.
©Nimbus Water Systems 2007 PN103257
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