Quick Installation Guide
Introducing the SATA II-150 PCI RAID
The SATA II-150 PCI RAID is an ultra high-speed two
in PCI enabled systems.
Compliant with PCI 2.3
Compliant with Serial ATA 1.0 specifications and
complement of SATA II optional features
1 (mirror) for data protection
Supports two SATA channels and data transfer rate
up to 1.5Gb/s (150MB/s)
Supports Native Command Queuing (NCQ) and
SATA TCQ commands
Onboard bus master engine relieves the system
processor and enhances system performance
Features independent 256-byte FIFOs per channel
for host reads and writes
Breaks the 137GB barrier! Works with various
brands of large capacity Serial ATA hard disks
Supports SATA hard disk hot-plugging
Pentium® or equivalent PC with an available PCI
Windows® 2000 / XP (32-/64-bit) / Server 2003 &
2008 (32-/64-bit) / Vista (32-/64-bit)
1. Turn OFF the power to your computer and any
other connected peripheral devices.
2. Unplug the power cord from the back of the
computer, remove the cover.
3. Remove the slot bracket from an available PCI slot.
4. To install the card, carefully align the card's bus
connector with the selected PCI slot on the
motherboard. Push the board down firmly, but
gently, until it is well seated.
5. Replace the slot bracket holding screw to secure the
6. Replacethecomputercoverandreconnectthepower
The SATA II-150 PCI RAID is a two channel Serial ATA
controller that supports two Serial ATA hard disk drives.
It is recommended use identical hard drives for all RAID
configurations. It's possible to combine hard drives of
to do so.
RAID Arrays
RAID Arrays are setup in the SATA II-150 PCI RAID
RAID 0 (Striping)
This RAID array to be used on New/Blank hard drives.
Striping will destroy existing data on the hard drives.
1. As the BIOS boots press Ctrl+R when prompted to
enter the RAID BIOS.
2. At the next screen select RAID , then press Enter.
3. Select Create, then press Enter.
4. Select RAID 0, then press spacebar.
5. Select chunk size from 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k , 128k or
256k, then press spacebar.
6. Create name or leave blank, press Enter.
select No, then press Enter.
8. Select Exit, then press Enter.
9. When asked Are You Sure to Exit(Yes/No)?, select
Yes, then press Enter to exit and reboot.
10. Continue with the Fdisk and Format steps as if you
were installing a conventional hard drive.
RAID 1 (Mirror)
This RAID array to be used on New/Blank hard drives.
Mirroring will destroy existing data on the hard drives.
1. As the BIOS boots press Ctrl+R when prompted to
enter the RAID BIOS.
2. At the next screen select RAID , then press Enter.
3. Select Create, then press Enter.
4. At the next screen choose RAID1, then press
5. Create name or leave blank, then press Enter.
6. When asked, Activate load balance for RAID 1
(Yes/No)?, select Yes, then press Enter.
7. Select Exit, then press Enter.
8. When asked Are You Sure to Exit(Yes/No)?, select
Yes, then press Enter to exit and reboot.
9. Continue with the Fdisk and Format steps as if you
were installing a conventional hard drive.
This RAID array to be used on New/Blank hard drives.
JBOD will destroy existing data on the hard drive.
1. As the BIOS boots press Ctrl+R when prompted to
enter the RAID BIOS.
2. At the next screen select RAID, then press Enter.
3. Select Create, then press Enter.
4. Select JBOD, then press spacebar.
5. Create name or leave blank, press Enter.
6. Select Exit, then press Enter.
7. When asked Are You Sure to Exit(Yes/No)?, select
Yes, then press Enter to exit and reboot.
8. Continue with Fdisk and Format steps as if you
were installing a conventional hard drive.
Rebuilding a Failed Mirror Set
either by the RAID BIOS during boot or by the Initio
SATA RAID Manager while in Windows. The steps
below will guide you in rebuilding a failed mirror set.
To Rebuild the Mirror while in the SATA RAID BIOS
This method may not be compatible in some systems, in
this case, use the Online Mirror Rebuild method on the
next page to rebuild your mirror set.
1. Replace the failed drive(s) with one of equal or
greater capacity, then start the computer.
2. During boot press Ctrl+R to enter the RAID BIOS.
3. Select Disk, press Enter.
4. Select Reserved for RAID, then press Enter.
5. Select the single hard drive then press Enter.
When asked, All data in selected drive will lost!
Continue (Yes/No)?, select Yes, then press Enter.
7. Select RAID, then select Rebuild.
Press Enter. The mirror will begin rebuilding. Do
not interfere with the process.
9. When rebuilding is finished, select Exit, then press
10. When asked Are You Sure to Exit(Yes/No)?, select
Yes, then press Enter to exit and reboot.
To Rebuild the Mirror while in Windows
1. Replace the failed drive(s) with one of equal or
greater capacity, then start the computer.
2. When Windows resumes, click Start/Programs or
All Programs/Initio SATA RAID/Initio RAID
3. DoubleclickInitioSATARAIDManagericonfrom
the system tray to bring up the application.
4. Click Mirror Array, then click Tasks.
5. Click Rebuild Array, then click OK.
6. The mirror will rebuild. Rebuild time is dependent
on the size of the mirror set.
1. As the BIOS boots press Ctrl+R when prompted to
enter the RAID BIOS.
2. Select RAID, then press Enter.
3. Select the Delete, then press Enter.
4. Select Exit, then press Enter.
5. When asked Are You Sure to Exit(Yes/No)?, select
Yes, then press Enter to exit and reboot.
Low Level Format is built into the RAID BIOS to make it
more convenient to erase the entire contents of a hard
disk drive, including data, drive and partition
information. The Low Level Format utility works on
SATA II-150 PCI RAID BIOS will appear everytime your
system starts up. If the BIOS doesn't show, please try
your controller in another PCI slot. During this (Post)
process, the BIOS will show up and indicate the hard
drives attached to it. If a failure to your RAID set should
occur, your system boot up will stop at the RAID BIOS set
up screen. To continue, press either Ctrl+R to enter the
RAID BIOS set up or ESC key to continue booting.
Driver Installation
This section provides information on how to install the
SATA II-150 PCI RAID drivers.
For A New Installation
A new installation of Windows 2000 requires a floppy
disk for the driver installation. To make this floppy disk,
copy the contents of the Floppy folder, found on the
driver CD, onto a blank floppy disk then follow the
directions below.
1. SetuptheRAIDarraypriortoWindowsinstallation.
2. Follow the Windows 2000 installation procedure.
3. Restart the computer if prompted by Windows
installation. Otherwise, go directly to step 4.
4. At the Windows 2000 Setup screen, press F6 to
install the RAID driver.
When prompted, press S to specify the location of
the driver.
6. Insert the floppy disk, then press Enter.
7. Select Initio INIC162x S-ATA RAID Driver For
Windows 2000, then press Enter.
Press Enteragain continue and follow the on-screen
instructions to complete the Windows installation.
Do not remove the floppy disk until instructed.
RAID Manager GUI on page 13 and install the RAID
For An Existing Installation
1. SetuptheRAIDarraypriortodriverinstallationand
boot up to Windows.
2. At Found New Hardware Wizard, click Next.
3. Select Search for a suitable driver for my device
(recommended), then click Next.
4. InsertthedriverCD,checkCD-ROMdrives,uncheck
the other boxes, click Next, then click Next again.
5. IftheDigitalSignatureNotFoundmessageappears,
click Yes. Our driver has been thoroughly tested for
Click Next, then Finish.
7. Repeat step 5.
8. Restart Windows to complete the installation.
When Windows resumes, go to Initio SATA RAID
Manager GUI on page 13 and install the RAID utility.
For A New Installation
A new installation requires a floppy disk for the driver
installation. To make this floppy disk, copy the contents
oftheFloppyfolder, foundonthedriverCD, ontoablank
floppy disk then follow the directions below.
1. SetuptheRAIDarraypriortoWindowsinstallation.
2. Follow Microsoft Windows installation procedure.
3. Restart the computer if prompted by Windows'
installation. Otherwise, go directly to step 4.
4. At the Windows Setup screen, press F6 to install the
RAID driver.
When prompted, press S to specify the location of
the driver.
6. Insert the floppy disk, then press Enter.
For 32-bit Windows: Select Initio INIC162x S-ATA
RAID Driver For Windows XP/Server 2003, then
press Enter.
For 64-bit Windows: Select Initio INIC162x S-ATA
then press Enter.
Press Enter to continue the installation, then follow
installation. Do not remove the floppy disk until
When Windows resumes, go to Initio SATA RAID
Manager GUI on page 13 and install the RAID utility.
For An Existing Installation
1. SetuptheRAIDarraypriortodriverinstallationand
boot up to Windows.
2. At the Found New Hardware Wizard:
XP(w/SP1orearlier)/Server2003: continuetostep#3
XP (w/SP2 or later)/Server 2003 (w/ SP1 or later):
select No, not at this time, then click Next.
3. Insert the driver CD, select Install the software
automatically (Recommended), and click Next.
4. Accept the default entry, then click Next.
5. Click Continue Anyway, then click Finish.
Repeat steps 2-5.
7. Click Yes to restart to complete the installation.
When Windows resumes, go to Initio SATA RAID
Manager GUI on page 13 and install the RAID utility.
For A New Installation
1. SetuptheRAIDarraypriortoWindowsinstallation.
2. Follow Microsoft Windows installation procedure.
3. At the Where do you want to install Windows
screen, insertthedriverCD, clickLoadDriver, then
click Browse.
4. Double click your CD/DVD drive, select the Vista
folder, then click OK.
5. Select Initio INIC1622 S-ATA RAID Controller...,
then click Next.
Continue with Windows Vista operating system
When Windows resumes, go to Initio SATA RAID
Manager GUI on page 13 and install the RAID utility.
For An Existing Installation
1. SetuptheRAIDarraypriortodriverinstallationand
boot up to Windows.
2. At the Found New Hardware window, click Locate
and install the driver software (recommended).
3. ClickContinue. InsertthedriverCDwhenprompted.
At The software for this device has been
successfully installed, click Close.
5. Restart Windows Vista to complete the installation.
When Windows resumes, go to Initio SATA RAID
Manager GUI on page 13 and install the RAID utility.
For A New Installation
1. SetuptheRAIDarraypriortoWindowsinstallation.
2. Follow Microsoft Windows installation procedure.
3. At the Where do you want to install Windows
screen, insert the driver CD, click Load Driver, then
click Browse.
4. Double click your CD/DVD drive, select the Vista
folder, then click OK.
5. Select Initio INIC1622 S-ATA RAID Controller...,
then click Next.
6. Continue with Windows Server 2008 operating
system installation.
For An Existing Installation
1. SetuptheRAIDarraypriortodriverinstallationand
boot up to Windows.
2. At the Found New Hardware window, click Locate
and install the driver software (recommended).
3. Click Don't search online. Insert driver CD.
4. ClickInstallthisdriversoftwareanyway,thenclick
5. Restart Windows to complete the installation.
When Windows resumes, go to Initio SATA RAID
Manager GUI on page 13 and install the RAID utility.
For Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003
1. Right click My Computer and click Manage.
2. Select Device Manager.
3. DoubleclickSCSIandRAIDcontrollers,andInitio
INIC1622 S-ATA Raid Controllerand Initio RAID
Interface should be displayed.
For Windows Vista
1. RightclickComputer, clickManage,clickContinue.
Select Device Manager.
2. Double click Storage controllers, Initio INIC1622
S-ATA Raid Controller and Initio RAID Interface
should be displayed.
For Windows Server 2008
1. Right click Computer, click Manage, double click
Diagnostics. Select Device Manager.
2. Double click Storage controllers, Initio INIC1622
S-ATA Raid Controller and Initio RAID Interface
should be displayed.
Initio SATA RAID Manager GUI
TheInitioSATARAIDManager GUIprovidestheuseran
easy way to monitor your RAID set.
1. Place the driver CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. At the Windows desktop click Start, then Run.
3. Type D:\Gui\Setup.exe, then click OK. (Change
D: to match your CD-ROM drive letter)
4. Click Next, Next, Next.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the
1. Place the driver CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. At the Windows desktop click Start. In the Start
Search box, type D:\Gui\Button Manager.exe,
press Enter. (Change D: to match your CD-ROM
drive letter)
3. Windows Vista: Click Allow.
Windows Sever 2008: Continue on step #4.
Follow the on screen instructions.
5. Click Finish. Select Yes, I want to restart my
computer now, then click OK.
6. When Windows resumes, click Start. In the Start
Search box, type D:\Gui\Setup.exe, press Enter.
(Change D: to match your CD-ROM drive letter)
7. Click Next, Next, Next.
8. Click Close to complete the installation.
Blank Page
Technical Support and Warranty
SIIG’s Online Support has answers!
Our online support database is updated daily with new drivers
and solutions. Answers to your questions could be just a few clicks
away. Youcanalsosubmitquestionsonlineandoneofourtechnical
support analysts will promptly respond.
A lifetime manufacturer warranty supplied with this product is
offeredbySIIG,Inc. PleaseseeSIIGwebsiteformorewarrantydetails.
If you should happen to encounter any problems with this product,
please follow the procedures below.
If it is within the store's return policy period, please return the
product to the store where you purchased from.
If your purchase has passed the store's return policy period, please
follow these steps to have the product repaired or replaced.
Step 1: Submit your RMA request.
request to SIIG RMA. If the product is determined to be
defective, an RMA number will be issued.
Step 2: After obtaining an RMA number, ship the product.
• Properly pack the product for shipping. All software, cable(s)
and any other accessories that came with the original package
must be included.
• Clearly write your RMA number on the top of the returned
package. SIIG will refuse to accept any shipping package, and
will not be responsible for a product returned without an
RMA number posted on the outside of the shipping carton.
• YouareresponsibleforthecostofshippingtheproducttoSIIG
at the following address:
SIIG, Inc.
6078 Stewart Avenue
Fremont, CA 94538
• SIIG will ship the repaired or replaced product via Ground
in the U.S and International Economy outside of the U.S at
no cost to the customer.
About SIIG, Inc.
ports, USB, Serial ATA & UltraATA controllers, FireWire (1394a/b),
Networking,SoundCards,andotheraccessories. SIIGisthepremier
one-stop source of upgrades.
features, and are backed by an extensive manufacturer warranty.
High-quality control standards are evident by the overall ease of
installation and compatibility of our products, as well as one of the
lowest defective return rates in the industry. SIIG products can be
system integrators, and VARs.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
SIIG, Inc.
6078 Stewart Ave.
Fremont, CA 94538-3152
Phone: 510-657-8688
SATAII-150PCIRAIDisatrademarkofSIIG,Inc. SIIGandtheSIIGlogoareregisteredtrademarksof
SIIG,Inc. Microsoft,WindowsandWindowsVistaareeitherregisteredtrademarksortrademarksof
MicrosoftCorporationintheUnitedStatesand/orothercountries. Pentiumisaregisteredtrademark
of Intel Corporation. Other names used in this publication are for identification only and may be
April, 2009
Copyright ©2009 by SIIG, Inc. All rights reserved.
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